14 Do's and Don'ts of Creating Real Estate Brochure Templates

Brochures can go a long way for anyone's business.

These simple primers allow people to highlight the essential details of their real estate services to their clients. But they can also get a bit boring, especially when there's too much happening.



Fortunately, brochure templates have popped up everywhere. People can now browse through a broad collection of free brochure templates online. But before diving into those, here are some tips for real estate brochures that may help improve their design and quality.

1. Do Use High-Quality Images

Incorporating high-resolution images into any brochure design conveys trustworthiness and professionalism. These two things are what anyone wants their potential customers to associate with their company. Images also break up text and make reading pleasant for people who appreciate visuals.

2. Don't Overuse Stock Photos

The stock photo market contains a broad collection of photos from different people and places. But it can be tempting to pick a good picture found online rather than taking the time to shoot one.

It's important to remember that if the audience sees too many generic photos from the internet, they may not consider the company unique. Adding in some distinct pictures helps customers relate to the company better and aids in branding it as trustworthy.

3. Do Create Eye-Catching Graphics

If the product or service sold is worth anyone's attention, then any company wants it to stand out when viewed by potential clients. Use graphics to take advantage of how the eyes process images. For example, make sure the text on the real estate brochure is easy to read!


Companies don't necessarily need to hire a graphic designer (though doing so may help if this is not their area of expertise). Even creating simple shapes in Google Drawings or PowerPoint will improve the look of any brochure. Checking out online flyer maker software like Venngage for free templates can be a big help.

4. Don't Go Overboard on Logos

Don't get carried away with adding too many company logos on the brochure. Some real estate companies put a different logo on every page. However, doing this may make the reader feel like he's looking at a patchwork quilt of brand names that don't mean anything together. Instead, use the golden ratio to decide how big or small the text should be and then add in your logo, color palette, and all other design elements accordingly.

5. Do Get Feedback From Others

It's easy to miss mistakes when designing a regular or trifold brochure. That's why it can be helpful to have someone look over the design before publishing it. A fresh set of eyes will help ensure everything is of good quality and convey trustworthiness to any audience!

6. Don't Leave Your Website off the Brochure

While it might seem logical to add a "click here" link for people who want more information about the services or products of a company, it's better to have them go to their website through a custom URL. Make sure that this URL matches the company's name since people trust brand names and are likely to take the extra step rather than just clicking a random link they found somewhere else on their screen.

7. Do Focus on Quality Over Quantity

Of course, no one wants to pay for something that isn't going to be high-quality, but this doesn't mean the brochure needs lots of examples or pictures to get approval from investors or others in charge of the budget. 



For example, you can easily use just one or two good-quality photos that show what the product looks like. Refrain from creating a collage where it's hard to focus on what each picture is trying to convey. An online brochure maker can help companies with this. Be sure to check out Venngage for its brochure and infographic template collection.

8. Don't Forget about your Reader

It's easy to get caught up in design trends or how other real estate companies are doing things. But if a company forgets about the audience, they may risk making something unusable by people who aren't familiar with similar documents.

For example, don't create weird spacing between lines, so they appear massive and challenging to read unless that is part of the design theme. Otherwise, every sentence will look like the last one ended abruptly! That's why it's essential to get feedback to ensure that the document will be easy to use.

9. Do Think about the Next Steps

It's best if the brochure can stand on its own, but always think about how it can help motivate people to take action and what they might do after reading it. If someone needs a new vehicle, they may start looking at makes and models and then search for an auto loan or lease program.

On the other hand, a real estate agent may list their office hours and let visitors know they are available 24/7 online through email or chat if necessary. In short, make sure that what the company creates provides a real benefit and is not just filler!

10. Don't Ignore Marketing Trends

In today's competitive market, it can be helpful to step outside comfort zones and see what other companies and industries are doing to attract new customers. If a company uses a QR code, it makes sense to include them on the brochure. Doing this allows people to scan and learn more about what they offer. 


Putting extra resources online or promoting newer programs aimed at helping clients save time, such as live chat software for websites where visitors can ask questions as they browse, is also helpful. Don't worry because there are many brochure examples online that can make real estate pamphlets look stunning.

11. Do Evolve Over Time

There's no need to scrap everything just because there's a new brochure template in place. Instead, regularly update it when necessary. The simplest way to do this is to look through past projects and see which ones are still up-to-date before removing things that are no longer relevant. Make sure to replace them with something as appealing without making too many changes or leaving the rest of the page empty!

12. Don't Forget about SEO

Since real estate brokers can list homes on their websites these days, they also need to consider search engine optimization (SEO), especially since Google continues to update its algorithm frequently. Use text or graphic elements such as company name and address, along with words that are likely to appear in future searches.

For example, instead of creating a company name out of jumbled letters try using the first letter of each word. In this way, it's easy to see what they are when visiting the page without leaving too many spaces between them.

13. Do Focus on Key Points

It's not necessary to write pages about every service since home buyers want basic information. With this in mind, create a few pages with important points for new clients or visitors who haven't done business yet. 

Besides, there's always a link back to longer descriptions if people need more information! Instead of listing all loan programs, include only the ones used in the past. People are most likely to be searching for these more.

14. Don't Go Overboard With Graphics

Using a real estate brochure template can help save time and money, but don't assume that it's okay to "go wild" and create something filled with fancy graphics and effects! Even if a company has an artistic side, there's no need to put all design efforts into making unique symbols or fonts.

Doing this will only distract buyers from understanding what the company offers. Some of the best brochure examples incorporate simple shapes, colors, and lines. These should do fine as long as everything is easy to see and follow!

Wrapping It Up!

As mentioned earlier, not everyone wants to spend hours creating a pamphlet by hand. Instead, they often turn to a brochure template online. Doing this is one of the easiest ways for beginners to make a high-quality piece that looks professional without having any graphic design skills up their sleeve.


With Venngage, anyone can look through its free yet stunning pamphlet template. People can also use it similarly or customize it before printing so that their real estate company looks great and stands out from the competition!


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