8 Things You Need to Prepare for When Becoming a Digital Nomad
Covid-19 is making everyone stay at home and work remotely if possible.
However, for digital nomads working remotely is a personal choice that they chose to have. Not only this, it's a reality they would like to have. Although it's possible to just jump into the water and start traveling, it's best to prepare for this event, especially financially.
Jimmy Leys, the founder of Planeta Explorers, a nomadic community for digital nomad families, says: When becoming a digital nomad, at the beginning people are excited and happy. But when it all doesn’t work out financially the experience changes into a stressful and unpleasant situation.
Jimmy continues: Sometimes you notice that people are struggling when they’re not too keen to join for a beer anymore for example. Some will tell you the reason, others are not too open about it. In general, it works out so much better for people that prepared for their digital nomad adventure.
So, what kind of preparations should you make when becoming a digital nomad?
1. Your Income Sources
2. Lifestyle Level and Expenses
3. Length of The trip
4. Taxes
5. Visas
6. Passport
7. Health
8. Flights & Accommodation
Flights and accommodations are a major expense when traveling. It's best to research the available flights to a place and how much renting a place would cost in advance. Many would book an Airbnb for a few days when landing in a new place and then look for longer-term accommodation for themselves. In places where there is already a large digital nomad community, like Chiang Mai in Thailand, there is a market for apartments of short-term contracts per month or weeks.
As you see, many of these points are related to finances and money. So, planning towards your digital nomad adventure can be crucial for this lifestyle to succeed for you.
Jimmy Leys summarises it well: Preparation is already half the job and decreasing the stress level.
Download my quick-guide: "How to be a digital nomad and feel financially stable?" It will show you how to prepare for your digital nomad journey and feeling financially stable.
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