DIY Jobs You Should NOT Do Yourself to “Save Money”

Whether you’re moving into a new home, renovating your existing one or just have a few tasks to do, it can be tempting to do them all yourself.

While this will save money and can leave you with a great feeling of accomplishment, there are some DIY tasks it’s best to let the experts handle to avoid big mistakes and the extra costs fixing them can bring. 

These are some of the best DIY jobs you can do yourself and important ones to leave to the professionals. 

Paint Your Home

It’s hard to go wrong painting walls, doors and ceilings at home (aside from choosing an awful colour). All you need are a few tins of paint, brushes and sheets to lay down and prevent the carpet getting splashed.

painting mess

Until you see how uneven the result is, the many droplets on your floor. And what about the cost? Do brushes and rollers worth your own time?

  • Time and effort: Preparing surfaces, taping edges, applying multiple coats, and cleaning up afterward can be extremely time-consuming and tiring.

  • Skill and expertise: Achieving professional-looking results requires skill and experience. If you lack that or you’re unfamiliar with painting techniques, you may end up with uneven paint coverage, visible brush or roller marks, or other imperfections. 

  • Equipment and materials: Painting requires a number of tools, such as brushes, rollers, drop cloths, painter's tape, ladders, and paint itself. If you don't already own these items, you'll need to purchase or rent them. 

  • Safety concerns: Painting can involve working at heights, especially when reaching high walls or ceilings. It's essential to use proper safety equipment like ladders, scaffolding, or fall protection gear. If you're not comfortable or experienced in working at heights, it can be risky and lead to accidents or injuries.

  • Time sensitivity: If you have time constraints or deadlines, hiring professionals can save you valuable time. They often work in teams and can complete the job quickly and efficiently. DIY painting may take longer, causing inconveniences and delays if you're on a tight schedule.

  • Specialised techniques and finishes: Some painting projects require specialised techniques or finishes, such as faux finishes, textured walls, or intricate designs. 

  • Warranty and guarantees: Professional painters often offer warranties or guarantees on their workmanship and the quality of the paint used. If any issues arise after the job is completed, they can address them promptly. With DIY painting, you assume full responsibility for any mistakes or problems that you cause.

  • Professional results: Hiring a professional painter can provide you with high-quality, flawless results. They have the skills, experience, and attention to detail to ensure the paint job is smooth, even, and aesthetically pleasing. If you're seeking exceptional results or plan to sell your home, professional painting may be worth considering.

Fix Doors and Windows

Windows can often get stuck, squeaky or simply lose their insulation.

fixing your window

All you need to do is clear out any dirt and use some WD40 to loosen it up and get it opening and closing smoothly. Fixing doors when a handle has come off or needs replacing is rather simple. 

Invest in an impact driver for loosening and tightening screws along with a fresh handle and fittings.  

Unclog Drains and Pipes

There’s not always a need to call a plumber if you’ve got a clogged toilet or sink, notes Bathroom Crew (UK). You always first try using a plunger first or pouring in excess water and giving a few good thrusts first, which should clear minor toilet clogs.

unclog your pipes and drain

For pipes, you should turn off the water and can then unscrew the compression nuts on some kitchen and bathroom pipes to safely remove them and clear out any blockages. 

Assemble Furniture

Flat-pack furniture is just like a giant jigsaw, no professional help should be needed here. 

Or at least, that’s what people facing the task for the first time think. Ready-to-assemble units are notorious for their trickery and heavy confusion that always comes along. If you have a simple chair, go for it, but for larger units, such as double-wardrobes, king beds, or kitchen sets, dare not and call for professionals.

DIY Jobs to Leave to the Professionals

There are many DIY jobs that amateurs will read up about on line and think they can easily do themselves to save money. However, certain tasks such as the following ones should always be left to the experts. 

Electric Wiring

A large risk of electrocution and accidentally cutting off the power to the rest of your home should literally turn you off doing any wiring. Unless you’re a trained electrician or simply rewiring a plug, avoid at all costs. 

Gas Repairs

gas cooker

If you smell a gas leak, call your energy provider or the gas emergency phone line immediately. Don’t try to fix the issue yourself as you put yourself at risk of being further exposed to the gas and carbon monoxide poisoning. The same is true for trying to fix a dodgy gas appliance. 

Knocking Down Walls

Always get the advice of a structural engineer before thinking about knocking down any internal wall. If this goes wrong the consequences could lead to severe structural damage, plus gas and electric problems if such wiring is within the wall you attempt to knock down. 

Installing a Bath

bath installation

Fitting a new bath may seem like something anyone can do by following the right instructions, but you can break water regulations doing so. So why trust a pro?

  • Technical knowledge and expertise: Installing a bath requires a certain level of understanding, plumbing and construction. If you lack the experience, you will surely struggle. not to mention suffer the poor result of not properly connecting pipes, ensuring proper drainage, or damaging the tub in the first place. 

  • Building code & compliance: Plumbing must adhere to strict local building codes and regulations. Professional plumbers are familiar with these and ensure that installations meet all necessary standards. Can you do that?

  • Time and effort: Installing a bath can be extremely time-consuming and physically demanding. It often involves removing the old bath, preparing the space, and accurately fitting and connecting pipes. If you're unfamiliar with the process, it may take significantly longer and require multiple attempts, causing frustration and potential delays in completing your project.

  • Warranty and insurance: Many baths come with warranties that may be voided if the installation is not performed by a licensed professional. Additionally, if something goes wrong during or after the installation, professional plumbers typically have insurance to cover any damages or repairs. By doing it yourself, you assume the risk and responsibility for any potential issues that may arise.

Pest control

Pests can breed incredibly fast but people will often underestimate the significance of spotting the first signs of an infestation. 

Here’s what bed bug removal professionals Bed Bug Specialists:

  • Cost savings: Hiring professional pest control services will surely cost you a bit, especially for ongoing treatments or for nasty infestations that require multiple visits. You might think that doing a simple treatment yourself will save money on fees and potentially avoid recurring costs, but nature is extremely persistent and what looks cheap might end up gold in the end.

  • Convenience and flexibility: When you handle pest control on your own, you can schedule and perform treatments whenever fit. You don't need to wait for an appointment or rely on someone else's availability, but is that really what matters?

  • Immediate action: If you discover a pest problem, you can act on the moment without having to wait for professional help to arrive. Acting promptly can prevent the infestation from spreading and causing further damage.

  • Learning experience: Dealing with pest control on your own can provide you with a valuable learning experience. You can research different methods, understand the biology and behaviour of pests, and acquire knowledge that may help you prevent future infestations.

  • Control over methods and products: Some individuals prefer to have control over the methods and products used in their homes. By doing pest control yourself, you can choose the specific treatments and techniques that align with your preferences and values, such as using environmentally friendly or non-toxic options.

If you're about to deal with a severe infestation, hazardous pests, or if you're unsure about handling chemicals or safety protocols, it's best to consult with a professional pest exterminator so you don’t mess up “for good”, add pest control expert Jordan Foster.


When working on your home, think about whether you should use an expert before you start. If things look easy and pose little to no risk of problems down the road, go ahead. But when things get serious, professionals are there for a reason.


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