The Growing Interdependence of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

Artificial intelligence (AI) and big data are disrupting various sectors.  

The combination of AI and big data is the perfect union for innovation to flourish, driving businesses and giving them a competitive edge over their peers. Big data is about large chunks of data assimilating in organizations. AI and big data as a single unit have provided numerous benefits to both organizations and end users. According to a big data survey, 89% of the users of big data technology believe that big data will revolutionize their business. Big data and artificial intelligence have a synergistic relationship.

How Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Are Working Together



We have been using AI and big data in our everyday life, such as Google’s ‘Did you mean?’ Section, Amazon’s product recommendations, Youtube’s video recommendations, and so on. Also, for instance, when you post a picture with your friend on Facebook, it automatically suggests you to tag your friend and provides you with her name. Here, AI models gather our data and use its features to find patterns in that data. These are the common applications of AI and big data in our everyday life. Collecting data about customers and using big data technology to analyze it has become a popular trend with most organizations; DevOps teams and IT operations experts use big data technology quite often these days. For DevOps and IT teams, it becomes an incredibly tedious large volume of data as their devices generate tons of data daily. The combination of AI and big data solves complex problems of big data. For instance, the combination of AI and big data can drive an educational firm by collecting data about their students and assisting teachers to understand which student needs more attention and explanation over a particular subject. Furthermore, machines take less time than humans and can work round the clock. Moreover, the device will not get tired of any job and perform all jobs with accuracy. Hence, companies are finding ways to implement AI and big data and make profits.

Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Can Promote Economic Stability, Job Opportunities and Innovative Services


There is always a concern about unemployment when it comes to leveraging AI in organizations. For example, truckers and taxi drivers will find themselves unemployed as self-driving cars take over our roads. On the contrary, big data and AI revolutions can help fight poverty and promote economic stability. AI and big data can predict the future job openings and what skills and training will be needed for them. This will help the government to advise workers on how they can train themselves and accept a particular job. Moreover, AI and big data will replace government assistance services with their ability to perform jobs using machines. Various industries already started using the combination of AI & big data to find hidden patterns in the collected data that is otherwise ignored. However, researchers are finding new opportunities for various sectors to implement AI and big data in their respective areas and make profits.


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