Make Your Day Go A Little Bit Better

Not every day can be sparkling but there are some simple things you can do to make things go a little smoother.

Here some tips that can help:

        * Narrow your priorities, and focus on what's important.
        * Avoid making promises you can't keep.
        * Let someone else choose when the choice is of no consequence.
        * Take time to keep from overreacting yourself.
        * Evaluate yourself.  Be honest; write down the good things as well as the bad.
        * Give yourself quiet time throughout the day. 


        * For most people, most of the time, most of the turmoil they experience is self-induced.
        * One good laugh can cause your whole temperament to change, plummeting the tension you feel back down to a manageable level.
        * If you give them enough time, people will usually apologize for blowing up at you undeservedly.
        * When barreling down the highway alone in your car, some therapeutic singing may help lift your spirits.


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