AI Writing: Is It Good or Bad For Digital Writers?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a leading technology that has changed almost all industries including writing.

It has brought unexpected changes in the content writing industry by generating content for marketing purposes.

By 2025, a study estimates global AI revenue to reach almost $126 billion. Gartner had forecasted that worldwide AI software revenue would increase by 21.3% in 2022 reaching an estimated value of $62.5 billion.

This raises some interesting questions for the writing industry: Will AI writing impact the digital writing industry and will it bring an end to human writing? Is AI writing good for a digital writer or not?

On the one hand, it is helping writers by automating content editing, proofreading, tasks and processes. On the other hand, it is not able to match human creativity, understand real emotions and provide indepth research. 

In this article, you will learn the concept of AI writing, why we need to adopt it in writing, as well as its challenges.

What is AI Writing?


AI writing leverages machine learning to generate content that matches the structure and even tone of a human writer. It provides the best structure and vocabulary to use. Artificial intelligence software can generate content at scale. The best part about AI writing is that it can ensure that a piece of content is error free and factually correct.

Every AI writing tool is designed by considering one or more objects. If the tool is intended for copywriting, it will help write copies, but if it is designed to check emotions, it will help replace the required sentiment words.

Why Do We Need to Adopt AI in Writing?

AI can evaluate the accuracy of your content, check the level of plagiarism, remove duplicate content and quickly provide new ideas. It can also summarize long texts, use detailed keywords suggestions and provide SEO friendly content. 

If you are not adopting automated systems, processes, and tools in this tech driven era, you might lose many things. Digital writers face a severe competition with those who utilize technology to make their process easier. Instead of being scared of technology, use things that are in your hands. Technology such as artificial intelligence can make your life easier. You need to learn how to use it wisely without losing your creativity. Adopting AI in writing can give you lots of assistance and reduce your imaginary fears.

Ask yourself the following questions

  • Aren’t you using Grammarly to proofread your writing?

  • Aren’t you taking advantage of Hemingway to make your writing bold and clear?

  • Aren’t you checking a dictionary or thesaurus to improve your writing?

  • Aren’t you utilizing plagiarism tools to check the uniqueness of your content?

The best digital writers are already using some form of technology while writing content. You are probably a fan of these tools, and as a content curator and digital writer, you can’t imagine your writing life writing a new piece of content without some of these useful tools.


  • You want to save your editing time, effort, and cost.

  • You want to improve your grammatical skills and vocabulary.

  • You want to understand the readability of your writing. 

All these points attract you to use AI in writing for different purposes. You need to prudently integrate your creativity with technology to use AI effectively in writing.

Challenges of AI Writing

Despite its numerous benefits, AI writing is not able to perfectly mimic crucial aspects of  human intelligence such as creativity and emotions. So, even with the rise of AI writing, human writers shouldn’t worry about getting replaced due to the following points:

  • Creativity: An AI tool can create a bulk of content without plagiarism, check emotions in the content, and many more. But always remember, tools can’t replace human creativity.

  • Deep Emotional Analysis: AI tools can perform a sentiment analysis and suggest some required words but can’t express real emotions. For example, you want to write “true” in a sentence, but the tool suggests “accurate,” which is not correct emotionally. Humans know how to use emotions in each context, machines do not.

  • Indepth research: AI writing tools rely on gathering massive amounts of data to write any content. However, AI writing is flawed and biased. It’s also not able to match human research skills to find worthy resources.

All these crucial human aspects are difficult for AI writing tools to grasp. Everyone, including digital writers, creators, or authors who are reading it, has these skills. Rather than doubting your skills, keep on upskilling yourself by focusing on creativity, research and learning new  processes.

Final Thoughts


There is no doubt that AI writing is reshaping the content writing industry,but  it won’t easily replace the talent of a human writer. Artificial intelligence provides several benefits for digital writers by increasing editing efficiency, productivity, and learning new vocabulary. However, there are some serious challenges for AI writing tools to match human intelligence such as creativity, deep emotional analysis and indepth research. Instead of competing with AI writing, you can integrate in your content writing strategy and add your twist  to make any piece of content flawless. 

AI writing is the future of writing but remember that no tool can replace your creativity, which is the first cornerstone of your writing!


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