Why IoT is the Future of GPS

Apart from assisting you with locations, GPS has a lot more to offer.

The combination of GPS and IoT will transform the movement of goods, people, and the worldwide economy.

How GPS Works?

GPS satellites circle the Earth twice a day in a precise orbit. Each satellite transmits a unique signal and orbital parameters that allow GPS devices to decode and compute the precise location of the satellite. GPS receivers use this information and trilateration to calculate a user's exact location.

Combining IoT and GPS

When combined with IoT devices, the GPS technology can offer outcomes that you probably never imagined. IoT can collect large chunks of data from various devices. The data ranges from health records to face recognition. GPS, on the other hand, can track the location of these and other devices. Here’s what’s possible with the combination of GPS and IoT:


Till now, we have tracked lost smartphones with the help of GPS. Now, we can track lost bags. Symphonia Bags, a smart backpack, comes with GPS tracking. The bag helps parents locate their kids when they are not around. The bag alerts you of its location and helps overcome fear like that of losing your bags at airports or while touring. There is no denying that everyone is excited for an opportunity to get into a self-driving car and sit back relaxed, while the car takes you to your desired destination. And the day is not far! The younger generation might never have to drive their car. They will have the assistance of GPS technology powering their cars, making these cars truly ‘automatic.’

IoT is the Future of GPS

GPS can detect the location of possibly all your valuables. For instance, Sherlock, a startup based in Italy, connects GPS to the IoT network for tracking your bicycle. Such tracing will help bicycle owners to protect their bike from theft. Besides, any changes made to the vehicle will be notified to the vehicle owner.

Also, GPS, when it combines with IoT technologies, can help the logistics and supply chain industry. Manufacturers can track their shipments and manage inventory efficiently.

We all know that IoT is an incredible driver of business upheaval. With the help of IoT-connected devices, industries gather a lot of data that is then used to draw business insights and to make informed decisions. In this way, IoT helps industries to improve their services. On the other hand, when GPS is integrated with IoT, industries get the exact location of the IoT devices. With the exact location, industries can draw insights on what, when, and how things occur. IoT and GPS will together make the tracking of almost all objects possible, be it healthcare supplies, luxurious goods, important legal documents, or anything else. With GPS and IoT devices working together, the path towards the development of smarter cities is underway.


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