Benjamin Hendricks

Benjamin Hendricks Tech Expert

Benjamin is a passionate software engineer with a strong technical background, with ambitions to deliver a delightful experience to as many users as possible. He previously interned at Google, Apple and LinkedIn. He built his first PC at 15, and has recently upgraded to iOS/crypto-currency experiments. Benjamin holds a bachelor's degree in computer science from UCLA and is completing a master’s degree in Software Engineering at Harvard University.

Intelligent Multitasking

Intelligent Multitasking

Intelligent multitasking requires speed and efficiency.

AI Lexicon: How ChatGPT Works

AI Lexicon: How ChatGPT Works

ChatGPT has quickly gained millions of people's attention, but many are wary because they don't get how it works.

Key Takeaways From 2022

Key Takeaways From 2022

As we close out the year, it's important to take a moment to reflect on the lessons learned this year.

Relentless Optimism

Relentless Optimism

Maintaining optimism in the face of failure and defeat is difficult, but when you know you've put in the work to be good at something, perhaps that optimism isn't so unwarranted.

Reflecting On Decentralization

Reflecting On Decentralization

In the book club I help run at LinkedIn, we recently read the second edition of Token Economy by Shermin Voshmgir, and it was quite an interesting discussion that followed.

Reflecting on Leadership

Reflecting on Leadership

The best leaders set the direction to follow, know when to delegate and communicate effectively.

Why Debugging is Important?

Why Is Debugging Important in Software Engineering?

An aspect of software engineering that is often under-appreciated is the task of debugging an issue.

Consistency is Key

Consistency is Key

Consistency is crucial in so many ways, and it's a critical trait to be successful, especially in software engineering.

Gritty Dynamite: Software, My Dream Job

Gritty Dynamite: Software, My Dream Job

In this article, I'll share a story from my past about where perseverance combined with passion led to success in a very concrete way!

Time Management Principles in a Post Pandemic World

Time Management Principles in a Post Pandemic World

I often get asked about how I manage my time between a full time engineering management job at LinkedIn, working with MySwimPro on the side as a software engineer, while also working on my Master's Thesis through the Harvard Extension School, and having a fiancé and small dog to spend time with.
