Brendan Barbato
Brendan is the Co-Founder and CEO of Shelfie Challenge, a sports fan engagement platform where fans complete challenges at live events and can win prizes. He is also the CTO of Helping Hearts of America, and sits on various startup advisory boards. He has a large area of interests, and, overall, loves helping others and working on social impact projects to build and empower communities around a common cause. Brendan holds a Bachelor of Applied Science in Business with a concentration in Entrepreneurship from Babson College.
On June 18th, Lime launched scooters in Berlin and I was there to support the team. It was one of the most exhilarating and exciting times of my professional career. I had never been to Berlin, I was meeting new teammates, and I got to scoot everywhere.
Recently, I had the absolute pleasure of visiting Japan for the first time. I flew directly from Newark Airport to Narita International Airport — I recommend Hanada, as it is closer but either is great — which was 14.5 hours. Then, flew to San Francisco for a work trip, then back to New York City.
Since high school, I have been an avid gamer. From 2009–2013 I played competitive Call of Duty and was fortunate enough to win 6 online seasons, where as little as 5,000 or as many as 60,000 teams competed over 3 months. Having lived on the east coast for the majority of my life I never considered flying to E3, which is hosted in Los Angeles every year. Despite this, I bought a ticket on the final day and booked a flight for the following week — currently live in San Francisco so it is easier.
No matter what your job is or the title you have, sales is part of your daily routine. If you are a scientist trying to secure a grant or a barber, you have to sell a group of people — or one — on why are the right person for the job. One of the most important parts of sales is following up — which can strengthen your ability to close a deal.
Recently, I had the privilege to attend the Stanford Sports Innovation conference. As an ex-competitive Call of Duty Player and lover of sports, this was the perfect place for me to spend a day. I consider myself fortunate to attend as many conferences as I do, therefore, I always want to share some of my key learnings.
As a Type 1 Diabetic, I am no stranger to a hospital room. When I was initially diagnosed at the age of 2 my blood glucose was 949. A reading over 125 is a sign of diabetes, meaning, I was close to comatose and possibly death. This experience was incredibly traumatic and thankfully my parents brought me for a second opinion because the first doctor sent me home.
Every Sunday night I plan out 3–5 large goals to complete for the week, as well as sub-goals to get me there. There are all types of systems for doing this but what I do is block off time on my calendar to complete my goals. For example, I started a new company on January 14th, therefore, a lot of my goals right now are based on strategy.
Whenever I enter a car — this refers to a Lyft/Uber — I always start with a, Hey how is it going? and typically follow up with a How has your day been? To me, this is important because I am entering the car of someone I have never met before and want to make sure the driver and any passengers are relaxed. Plus, a conversation can make the time more enjoyable.
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