Changing Roles of Leadership in 2020
As technology is growing, the business world has changed tremendously. With new innovations coming in every single day, leadership has evolved.
From transferring money through QR or Wallet to ordering food at your doorsteps from your favorite restaurant, leaders' responsibilities have also increased so much. Just one small mistake can ruin the reputation of a company.
To compete with this world that is changing day by day, one has to do a lot of work on himself or herself to thrive in this tough environment.
In order to thrive, leaders need to learn new skills to thrive in this competitive world. Listening, inspiring and motivating are essential skills that will help employees follow your lead.
Here are some tips to become a better leader in 2020.
1. Understand Who You Are
It is very important to know yourself fully before coming to any conclusion. You need to do so much of introspection and find out your potential. The best way is sitting in silence for at least 20 minutes a day and spending some quality time with yourself. Ask yourself about who you want to become like, what is your purpose, don’t control your thoughts let them flow the way they are flowing. After sometime you will feel so good that you will start discovering more about yourself. It is very important for a leader to be self-aware because control on self is the primary thing, you need to stay just 1 step better than the person who wants to follow you, and it’s that simple.
2. Have Empathy
It is one of the best skills that you could ever have, today’s people just bother about yourself a little because they have sympathy for you instead of empathy. It is a state mind where you keep yourself in the position of another person and could feel about how he/she feels, what he/she faces, what are the challenges in his or her life, then you will understand how much that person needs you, instead of understanding him you are just ignoring him, just to show some sympathy that too for formality, it is better to have empathy. Leaders have to be more empathetic.
3. Discover Your True Passion
It is very important for you to discover your true passion because today everyone is busy seeking and bothering about what others are doing and what new is going on in their life, they are not at all bothered about themselves. Instead of enhancing their life by doing what they actually want to do they are doing things they don’t like, they are wasting their lives. Instead they should find their true passion and focus on it and should master it in such a way that nobody could ever think about it.
4 Surround Yourself with People that Lift you up
We are the average of the 5 people we spend our time with, that’s why it is very important to surround yourself with people that lift you up. Supportive people will always have your back and encourage you to move forward. Networking with the right individuals is a stepping stone for success.
5. Find The Right Mentors to Guide You
Mentors play a very crucial role in a leader’s life because they are role models that can provide life lessons. Mentors will take the best out of you no matter your previous failures, their experience is invaluable, it opens new doors of opportunities for you. It's important to find the right mentor if you want to be successful.
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At last the one thing that matters the most is being grateful for what you have in your life because there are many people who are not fortunate like you to even have some basic facilities, so always appreciate yourself the way you are and be more grateful to lord.
Feel free to ask if you have got anything in your mind.
To Your Success.
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