Proven Organic Growth Marketing Strategies To Get Traffic and Engagement

Digital era has brought in a ray of hope for small businesses to put themselves into the bigger picture with online marketing.

Though, they do aspire but many of them have no one to guide them and they give up because they don’t know where to start and what kind of budget to invest.

Many of the small businesses are bootstrapped and don’t have enough financial resources to invest in paid ads.

In this article, I have listed a few proven organic growth marketing strategies I suggest to businesses that want to get traction and traffic organically.

Content Marketing

As Seth Godin says, content marketing is the only marketing left. He makes a lot of sense in this digital era.

Content marketing is indeed the best way to market yourself or your brand.

Write content that lets people know how you can help them, let them know how you can add value to their lives.

Here are five ways to get started with content marketing:

  • Publish blog posts consistently covering all good keywords in your niche.
  • Guest posts everywhere possible.
  • Contribute to media publications.
  • Do some research or study on your industry and pitch it to all publications in your niche.
  • Find the best influencers in your industry and collaborate with them.


Instagram is a platform that is strongly centered around storytelling and has a visual approach.

Sharing visual content is the best way to make your audience know who you are and what you do.

If you are a business, a brand, or a blogger looking to make your way through the minds of your audience, here are three actionable Instagram marketing tips: 

  • Grow your followers by actively engaging with your target audience on Instagram. If you do not have time to do this, you can hire a team of managers from an agency that specializes in Instagram growth - River Team. River team’s work is featured on Forbes, HuffPost and The Next Web as they have been the marketing genius behind the success of hundreds of influencers on Instagram.

  • Create share-worthy content consistently and aim to reach 10K followers, it is the ideal number to justify your presence on Instagram. Once you reach 10K followers, Instagram will unlock swipe up feature for your account which will help you get traffic to your website.

  • Pick a niche for your account. Create content specifically around the selected niche. This will help you build a targeted following on Instagram.


Twitter has an audience that consumes content in real time.

Influencers on Twitter have a huge impact on their followers. Your goal should be to become a Twitter celebrity of your niche.

If you are a brand looking for fastest way to gain credibility, grow brand awareness and get traffic to your website, Twitter is a platform you cannot afford to ignore.

Here is what you can do to generate organic traffic from Twitter:

  • Make your tweet viral. Before sharing any tweet, ask this question to yourself to qualify shareable content: If I read this tweet in someone else’s account, will I like and retweet it?

According to SocialBakers, 7.07 is the engagement top brands on twitter receive. Rest everyone is below 1 or 2% engagement rate. If your engagement rate is 2% or more than 2% you're doing something right!

  • Partner with influencers in your industry. Make them retweet your tweets.

  • Send targeted Direct Messages and mentions.
  • Tweet multiple times per day and make sure you use hashtags related to the content you are sharing.
  • Use - Audiense is the #1 Twitter Marketing and audience intelligence tool!

Audiense offers two solutions: Audiense Insights and Audiense Connect.

Audiense Insights helps you understand your audience and influencers better. It is  recommended to use for Influencer Marketing campaigns for B2C as well as B2B brands.

Audiense Connect offers features like creating Direct Message Chatbots, social listening, follow/unfollow mode, Twitter list management, best time to tweet, profiles search, tweet analytics, sentiment analysis and many more.


Pinterest can be a major platform in growing your brand organically.

Pinterest is not just a social network to get some photography inspiration or get some cool creative ideas for your next painting, there is a lot more to it.

Behind the social network giant Facebook, Pinterest is the highest referral lead gen traffic driving social media platform, beating other social platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

The biggest technical advantage of Pinterest is the pins you put up do not get lost so easily like social media posts do on other platforms.

The average lifespan of a pin is three and a half months and this timespan is enough to generate quality leads.

If you are a small business, a startup, or a brand, your aim on Pinterest should be to have at-least 1 million monthly views on your Pinterest account.

Pinterest is a visual network; you need to offer engaging visual content in the form of images and videos.

Here are some tips to generate traffic organically with Pinterest:

  • Pin your visual content, be it photos or videos.
  • Pin visual content from your high performing blog posts.

  • Create infographics and graphs with data and pin them.

  • Pin customer testimonials, reviews, and photos.


Here are some tried and tested tips to get qualified traffic from Quora:

  • Put a link to your site on your Quora profile - Link to your website from your Quora profile. Quora also offers you an option to add links to your other social profiles in your bio.
  • Include your website domain in your answer bios - You can have different brief bios next to your name when you answer questions on Quora. You can’t add a link, but you can mention your domain name. People will be curious to know more.
  • Answer questions relevant to your niche regularly - Search " ‘Your Keyword’" and answer all questions that show up. The more questions you answer, the more visible you will be on Quora, and the more traffic you can potentially attract to your website. Also, you will begin to pick up ‘Most Viewed Writer’ accolades for different categories, which helps give visibility to your profile and helps your answers to rank higher and get more views.
  • Link back to your blog from answers - Presumably, if you’re looking to attract traffic to your site, you already have a blog that you regularly publish to. Just as you do internal linking between your blog posts, you can link back to relevant content on your blog from the Quora answers.
  • Blog on Quora - While most people think of Quora as a Q&A site, which predominantly it is, you can also blog on Quora, gaining thousands of additional views for your content from the Quora community.


LinkedIn is perhaps the only social media platform out of the rest that still thrives on organic reach. So, your aim on LinkedIn should be to make your lead magnet go viral. By viral, I mean, get at least 100K+ views, and more than hundred comments. You can do that by:

  • Writing articles to add value to your target audience and publish it on LinkedIn pulse - make sure your articles should not look like a pitch.
  • Use your own network and mention key “influencers” when you share content.
  • Timely, periodic and persistent quality content is a necessity to get traction and gain followers.
  • Make your co-workers participate in promoting your content. Together work as a team on LinkedIn.


Though many say organic reach is dead on Facebook but still it is the largest social media platform and that means it can play a big role in generating organic traffic for your business.

If you are looking to generate traffic through Facebook, here is what you need to do:

  • Use Facebook as a community - Create your community, join different groups that share the same ideologies; share content in those groups.
  • Generate traffic from other social media handles -  Getting that initial audience is the toughest part when it comes to creating an online presence on Facebook. A good way to build it is to let your audience know about your Facebook presence through your other social media handles like Instagram and Twitter.
  • Find influencers and collaborate - Influencer marketing is the hottest trend in online marketing right now. Influencers can drive traffic to your Facebook page with the combination of their unique presence and right strategies.
  • Know the right time to post - Research, experiment, and analyse what can be the best time to post. Unlike other social media platforms, Facebook is a place where users don’t want too much of brand interference. A brand or a business should post once or twice a day. So, when you post, you need to make sure you create the maximum impact and for that, you need to know the apt time.

  • Keep posting good content- Posting good content consistently is the primary rule towards building a strong brand presence. So, make sure you never go offline for days and make guest appearances just for the sake of it.

Organic reach is not dead, it is very much alive, you just need the right strategies to gain it. Every social media platform has its own set of algorithms and rules, understand it and leverage it to your benefit.

Building a brand presence on social media is not an easy task but it is not impossible as well. Employ all the strategies shared in this article, and see how you generate traffic and engagement without any budget for paid advertising.


Comments (6)

Linda Foreman
I love your insights on building brands through social media.
2018-09-01 00:41

Karl Etheridge
Young and old companies need to learn and understand how social media can benefit their business.
2018-09-01 00:49

Vickie Johnston
This was a truly amazing article to read.
2018-09-01 00:58

Terry Hewson
Powerful post. Thanks Rohan for breaking things down in layman terms.
2018-09-01 01:04

Rob Baker
A lot of useful thoughts !!!!
2018-09-01 01:17

Malcolm Scott
I have been selling jewellery online for around 20 years. In the early days I found it easy to get to the top of the search engines. Things have certainly changed a lot since then and having to learn new strategies constantly. Thanks for the inspiration.
2018-09-18 02:48
