Mike Adams
Mike is an international keynote speaker, investor, author and advisor. He thrives in rapidly growing and innovative organisations helping them find the transform and create long term, sustainable value creation. His main goal is to drive businesses forward by building strong, long term, mutually beneficial relationships with senior leaders and assisting their career success. His specialties include management strategy and revenue optimisation. Mike holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Management from the University of Portsmouth.
I previously tweeted: "Things are not too expensive, you just don't have enough cash...yet." @SirMikeAdams
There are so many quotes about "seizing opportunities" and "say yes to everything and figure it out later" but there is a huge caveat which people tend to forget, ignore or simply don't realise.
Here is what I have observed as to the five most common (sales) leadership limitations:
I remember the morning vividly. It was early, a nice off-shore breeze was making the waves sit up nicely. I was a long way back from the ocean and I could still see the waves curling over and peeling off to the right...these waves were big.
"Was it hard to write your book? I don't think I could ever do it..."
As I ditched the Vespa, letting it hit a wall, and rolled into the road...all I could think was that "I really hope a car isn't going to drive over me."
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