How do you get out of the rat race where everybody is competing to do exactly what you want to do? You might be good at several things but not the best at anything. Even when you know exactly what to do, there will be endless obstacles and challenges in your way. Let me take you through an instance of my life.
“Want to become the best at managing teams and projects? Stop relying on email and switch to ProofHub.”
My mom tried to make me an all-rounder during my school days. She fascinated her daughter to be good in maths, good in science, participate in sports, dance and any random stuff. It was good in a sense that it made me explore all the fields and of course, the experience that I gained will never get wasted. But for instance, it also holds true what my father was particular for - to be the best in whatever you do. He was of the belief that we need to actually climb to the top and do the jobs pretty well. During our journey, there will probably be several obstacles, but we need to cross our limitations for our success.
Being a Marketing Manager at ProofHub, till now has been a great journey for me and you wish to know the secret behind this great journey?
Here are some attributes that helped me and will help you to be best at anything you do.
Move out of the Comfort Zone
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
When things start to feel way too comfortable that is the time we stop growing personally. It is good to work in flow, but it is not the best way to learn. Do not be confined to your abilities to learn. Stretch your brain to the edge of your ability and see how it grows. Take risks to step out of your comfort zone and experience the success that comes with it subsequent opportunities.
Avoid the ‘zone of terror’ and find your ‘zone of courage’. Practice wherever you are, reach over and over again, make mistakes, realize those mistakes and practice again. Shake it up a bit and be on the top.
Overcome Fear
Decide your niche, the sooner the better.
Fear is a mechanism that keeps us safe and a big obstacle that people face in pursuing their dreams. It is because of this fear that sometimes it becomes impossible to make our dreams real. You might not have the courage to take action despite knowing what to do and how to do. It is hard to prevent from happening and cause you to give up your dreams completely. The following types of fears will always try to stop you.
When it comes to pursuing your dream, failure is the first thing that will strike us. Fear of failure is a possibility, not an assurance when you step out to pursue your dreams. And it should never stop us from trying. Of course, there is involved some level of risk, but do not let your fear prevent you to pursue your dreams. Let go of your past failures and give it a try.
Many people don’t realize they have a fear of success that is actually a fear of change and of moving out of your comfort zone. Some people are sure about their success but they are not ready for the change that comes with it. They are not ready for the time and work to run for success.
More than anything, you might fear criticism and what people will say. You may never pursue your dreams if you fear of people. Believe in your dream and keep moving forward.
Do not take fear at face value and move in the direction of your dreams.
Do Not Live by those Broken Rules
In order to stand out from the crowd, you should run toward the thing everyone else is running away from. If you will direct towards that traditional ladder that everyone is climbing, it will intend to slow you down. Follow the path by doing things that will sound sane to you and crazy to other people. Create your own rules. Follow the voice inside you. Build a lifestyle true to yourself and good things will follow.
Be Persistence at What You Do
The real challenge is the time when you have to face the opposition. You need to go on even in some state or course of action of opposition. However, there might be a chance that when you start doing something you might not be that good at it. Even if you are doing something for the first time and fail to do it well, do not give up. Do not let anything or anyone to stop you.
Now you might have a clear idea of the obstacles that may come your way when pursuing your dreams. I believe you would not want to be the enemy of your own success. Take the necessary steps to identify your obstacles and overcome them. Your dreams will turn real if you believe them to be absolutely possible. It’s up to you to achieve them.
Life is too short, get everything you can in this life.
About Author:
Vartika Kashyap is the Marketing Manager at ProofHub and has been one of the LinkedIn Top Voices in 2017. Her articles are inspired by office situations and work-related events. She likes to write about productivity, team building, work culture, leadership, entrepreneurship among others and contributing to a better workplace is what makes her click. Follow her on Linkedin.