Mr. Wrinkles for President

There was no winner in last night’s presidential debate. But, there was a loser: the American people.

In a nation of over 300 million people, these two candidates are the best we can do? Seriously, regardless of one’s political persuasion, the debate was hard to stomach.

I am calling it the Debate of the Un’s, as in: unhinged, untruthful, untrustworthy, unwell, unfitting, unaware, uninspiring, unintelligible, uncomfortable, unfathomable, unacceptable, unforgivable, unforgettable, unqualified, unsuitable and the list goes on and on. Oh, unreal.

That is why I feel compelled to nominate my basset hound Wrinkles for President. He’s got the right stuff. He cares about food scarcity; he wants clean water; he is kind and can be cooperative in the right settings; he can still learn and listen (he goes to school); he communicates well; he’s an excellent traveler; he speaks a universal language; he’s healthy. Add to all that the following demographic pieces of info: he’s the right age (42 if translated into human years); he’s tri-colored as in black, brown and white; he’s not a sexual predator (he’s neutered); and he has a lovely family.

We can smile over this suggestion made, of course, in jest but what happened last night is no joke. We don’t have the possibility of a qualified leader of the free world for the next four years. I’m embarrassed for our nation. I’m sad about and scared for the future. I am disappointed in our political choices.

On the non-jest side, I think Wrinkles (and his cat friend Apricat) both need to get passports. I have mine. It might be time to move to another nation.


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