Louis M. Profeta

Louis M. Profeta Healthcare Expert

Dr Louis M. Profeta is an emergency physician practicing in Indianapolis. He is one of LinkedIn's Top Voices and the author of the critically acclaimed book, The Patient in Room Nine Says He's God. Dr Louis holds a medical degree from the Indiana University Bloomington.

My Wife Lies to Me

My Wife Lies to Me

I’ve always thought she was lying to me. Those polite lies that the people who love you tell you, like “No, honey, you’re not getting fat” or “I don’t mind that you’re losing your hair” or “Sure, I’d love to watch Tombstone again for the fourth time.”

Louis M. Profeta
A Woke Bear Starves in the Winter

A Woke Bear Starves in the Winter

“Doc, I think they listen to you. It resonates because, for the most part, we don’t have anyone who will really talk TO us about this stuff . . . especially in how you go about it. It hit home, you can tell.”

Louis M. Profeta
Soul Food for the Jewish Doctor

Soul Food for the Jewish Doctor

She was going to die, that was evident.

Louis M. Profeta
Stay For Breakfast Mr. Brown

Stay For Breakfast Mr. Brown

I liked him immediately when I first met him. I can’t explain why.

Louis M. Profeta
Three Days as an ER Doc...a Window into Us.

Three Days as an ER Doc...a Window into Us.

“No, that's not monkeypox, that’s poison ivy.”

Louis M. Profeta
Merrill’s Marauders, the Coliseum Explodes . . . Then They Shot My Uncle Al

Merrill’s Marauders, the Coliseum Explodes . . . Then They Shot My Uncle Al

The prisoner section of the old Wishard Hospital used to be this small window into a world few of us got to see outside of TV crime dramas.

Louis M. Profeta
In Honor of Guides

In Honor of Guides

The best job in the world might just be that of a guide.

Louis M. Profeta
Covid-19 Was a Dry Run . . . We Still Aren’t Ready

Covid-19 Was a Dry Run . . . We Still Aren’t Ready

Covid-19 was a dry run . . . It was kind of a fire drill for what has yet to come, and the truth is we still aren’t ready.

Louis M. Profeta